Search easily. Find quickly. Hire wisely!

  • A little research and planning goes a long way: Approach your project with as much information as you can. Information such as: measurements, possible materials needed, time-frames, etc. The more you know about what you need and what it will take to complete your project, the less likely you are to be defrauded.


  • Be specific:  Supply  as much detail as you can to Care Providers to find the right match for your project.


  • Check out Care Provider profiles: Look at pictures of past work, read Care Client reviews as you are making your decision. If a price a Care Provider quotes you seems unusually low, don’t be afraid to ask why. Compare prices and hire with confidence!


  • Ask plenty of questions: Use the CFCS, LLC secure messaging platform to ask as many questions as you need. Inquire about similar projects the Care Provider has done, ask to see pictures, references from past customers, if your project requires a permit, and if the Care Provider plans to subcontract any of the work.


  • Get a written contract.A written contract is the best way to make sure that you and the Care Provider are ‘on the same page’ (pun intended). Your agreement should lay out the parameters of your project, expectations, payment schedule, etc.  Tell your Care Provider that unexpected fees/overages must be made known to and approved by you in writing.


  • Keep records: Until your Care Solution is complete, be sure to keep a record of all communications between you and your Care Provider. After your Care Solution is complete, keep your paid invoices and receipts, For large projects, take photos to document the job’s progression. Photos and documents help protect you if there are unexpected issues.


  • Don’t make verbal agreements: As the saying goes, “A verbal agreement is only as good as the paper it’s written on”. As your project progresses, some of the terms may change. Be sure to memorialize ALL changes in writing, along with both parties’ acknowledgement/acceptance of each change.